Friday, October 19, 2012

"Here's a Quarter..."

“Tony, you should call Angela and tell her you can finally talk, but only for two minutes because that's all that quarter is going to buy.”
-Brittany Clinehens

If you tried to call Choice One a few Mondays back, you wouldn’t have gotten through. Our phone company, who shall remain nameless (ahem, Time Warner), has had a recurring problem communicating between departments, which apparently leads to our phone being shut off. The trouble has been resolved (Time Warner has apologized profusely), but not before our friend Angela from the Village of Ada tried to call unsuccessfully.

This is not the first time a client has given us a hard time or connected with us about non-work matters:
  • To a certain Village Administrator, Kaye is known as “The Survey Princess” (not queen, because queen implies “old,” thank you very much).
  • A certain Safety-Service Director couldn’t wait to tell us all about his inability to swim across a boating channel (just to save money) and his subsequent need for rescue.
  • A certain municipal staff practices for weeks prior to Choice One’s annual Municipal Cup Cornhole Challenge (mark your calendars for March 27, 2013, everyone!).
Altogether, this relentless harassment and these good-humored friendships make working together more fun. And gives us more Choice Mindsets fodder, too.

There's probably a reference to be made here about a Travis Tritt song concerning a quarter and nobody caring, Angela, but we appreciate your donation. It could get Tony half a soda in the Choice One Canteen, but he might just keep it to memorialize such a “generous” friend.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Making Fun

"You know it's bad when Jeff Kunk is making fun of you."
-  Megan Bornhorst

We're not sure if Megan's proclamation is a compliment to Jeff Kunk or not. Is he too polite to make fun of anyone? Or is he so awkward that anyone he's making fun of must be REALLY awkward? Either way, it's not a good omen for the one being teased. (It may not come as a surprise that Mr. Kunk was comparing Mitch's height to that of a fourth grader. Sorry, Mitch.)

If Megan's statement above is true, then Jeff is in the minority at Choice One. If you haven't caught on yet, we like to pick on each other, to the point of doing so publicly in these Choice Mindsets. What Jeff, Mitch, and the rest of the Choice One crew knows, however, is that our ability to laugh with each other and at ourselves is a big key to making our organization a fun place to work for and (hopefully) enjoyable to work with.

We might even suggest that if there's no razzing going on among us, then something is wrong. Likewise, our beloved clients tend to get the same treatment, as we'll see in some future Choice Mindsets. Not that any of you should be nervous [evil laugh].