Friday, January 13, 2012

At Your Service

"That's what Tony can do when he retires: put on a funny hat and chauffer all of us around."
- Jeff Puthoff

For those of us at Choice One who spend a lot of time driving to construction sites and client meetings, we often fantasize about the luxury of having an assistant who drives us around so that we can do work in the car. "Windshield Time" feels unproductive.

While on the road, obviously, multitasking is dangerous. Off the road, however, multitasking can be dangerous, too. In our experience, multitasking pitfalls can include missing something, rushing, or not being available when needed. To counter that at Choice One, we work together to multitask. Each project has one or more team members who "chauffeurs" to keep the Project Manager's juggling balls in the air: reviews, deadlines, client questions, etc. We like to think it keeps us responsive, timely, and dependable. And hey, if it gets Tony in a funny hat as well, why not?

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