Friday, March 22, 2013

Diet, Schmiet

Greg Albers: “Why is everyone on a diet? Francis, are you on a diet?”
Ryan Francis: “This Francis ain’t on no diet.”


Based on recent temperatures and random overnight snowfalls, Spring has yet to reach the area. Subsequently, Ryan Francis is obviously unconcerned about swimsuit season.
Worry can be all-consuming. While any surveyor can work on his or her physique (perhaps by swinging the sledgehammer themselves instead of forcing young, innocent surveyors to do it for them), worrying about something we can’t control--like the arrival of Spring or the weather--isn’t productive. (Nevertheless, try telling that to the farmers here at Choice One…)
As children’s book author Mitzi Chandler once said, “Worry is as useless as a handle on a snowball.” Especially if that snowball falls at the end of March. Besides, Ryan has no need to worry about dieting… He has far too many other pressing worries.

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