Tuesday, September 6, 2011


"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." - Charles Swindoll

Whether it is at work, at home, or even with strangers, the way you react to a situation can make a difference in your life and others involved in the situation.

Bills will always be in the mailbox, someone with always cut you off on the highway, there will always be an endless pile of work on your desk, and the worker at McDonald's will put onion on your burger when you specifically asked for no onion. These situations may be out of our control, but we do have control of the way we react to these situations. Is it really going to fix the problem if we don't pay the bills, spit swears at the driver on the highway, ignore the workload, or throw the burger at the high school student trying to make money to put gas in her car? None of these options are solutions to the problem, and we will probably feel worse anyhow.

Not too long ago, I became overwhelmed with a situation at work where it seemed like nothing was going to work out. I immediately became frustrated and froze. I had to take a deep breath, clear my head and change my reaction to the situation. By doing that, I became more efficient and more pleasant.

Changing ourselves is one of the most challenging goals we can give ourselves. But maybe if we start smaller, and change our reactions, it would be one step closer.

- Brittany Clinehens

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